What is Shipyard Equipment

Shipyard equipment includes all the different kinds of tools and machines that are used to build, maintain, and fix ships. In this group are both heavy-duty industrial machines and hand tools. Cranes and other lifting and transport technologies are at the heart of any shipyard.

They move huge parts of the ship's deck. Tools for working with metal, like welding tools, cutting torches, and hydraulic presses, are needed to shape and put the vessel together. Sandblasters and high-pressure cleaners are examples of specialized tools that are used to make surfaces ready for painting and make sure the body is smooth.

Precision measuring tools are also used by shipyards to make sure the ship is made exactly how the plans say it should be. Don't forget the simple tools that you might think are unnecessary. Toolboxes full of wrenches, hammers, and drills are necessary for all the small chores that add up to the big project.

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